Kessler Park Water Main Relocation
Dallas Water Utilities, TX

IEA Inc. was the Prime Consultant responsible for management and design of a high priority, fast-tracked water main relocation in the Kessler Park area.

IEA Inc. was the Prime Consultant responsible for management and design of a high priority, fast-tracked water main relocation in the Kessler Park area.

IEA was sensitive to the existing historical features in the area and utilized a trenchless construction method - Horizontal Directional Drilling and then PVC pipe pulled with Certa-Lok restrained joints. IEA coordinated with multiple City of Dallas departments - Survey, Parks & Recreation, and Dallas Water Utilities (DWU).

IEA completed the design of the water main in less than 4 weeks to maintain the schedule.


Horizontal Directional Drilling at the Kessler Park Steps


Dallas, TX

Services Provided

Water Main Design