2022 Holiday Toy Drives
IEA enjoys finding ways to give back to our communities. This 2022 holiday season, each office identified an organization in their community to sponsor.
- The Dallas office continued their partnership with Toys for Troops by supporting Operation Once in a Lifetime. Throughout the year this organization provides once in a life experiences to military service members and their families. And around the holidays they do a special toy drive to assist military families in providing Christmas gifts for their children. What a great way to say thank you to our military service members!
- The Houston office supported a Harris County partnered organization, BEARing Gifts. This non-profit provides Christmas gifts to over 19,000 children and teens that are in the care of Harris County Child Protective Services. With this organization receiving thousands of gifts, they need a lot of help sorting and wrapping. Some of our Houston office staff are volunteering at BEARing Gifts’ warehouse on Thursday, December 1st.
- The Austin office gave back this year by sponsoring a child through the Angel Tree with the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army recognizes that “every child deserves to experience the joy of Christmas morning” and our Austin office did a great job in helping share that joy with children that otherwise may not have received any gifts (quote from – https://saangeltree.org).
- The Fort Worth office collected toys to donate to the local Toys for Tots drive. This nationwide toy drive is organized by the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation with the goal to help provide children in need within local communities with holiday presents.