Drayton Drive Stabilization and Repair
City of Irving, TX
IEA was the Prime Consultant responsible for the management and design of the Drayton Drive cul-de-sac repair.
The project included the repair of the Drayton Drive cul-de-sac that had been damaged by stormwater runoff, soil consolidation, and failure of an existing retaining wall. The cul-de-sac settlement caused stormwater to divert from the inlet and flow over the curb, making the erosion and failure of the retaining wall and sidewalk worse.
IEA’s design detailed the repair of the Drayton Drive pavement including reprofiling the cul-de-sac paving and curb to correct the flows to the inlet, replacing the sidewalk to the proper grade, protecting the slope between the pavement and the retaining wall, and reconstructing a soil-nail-wall and a handrail. IEA also designed grading and drainage improvements for an existing Y-Inlet in the adjacent ONCOR easement.
IEA coordinated with ONCOR for a right-of-entry agreement and managed the City-recommended Sub who designed the soil-nail retaining wall. IEA delivered the project on schedule and to the satisfaction of the Owner.
The low-bid for this project was near the Engineer’s Estimate and under budget.

Irving, TX
Services Provided
Street Stabilization and Repair