Street Reconstruction Group 12-627
(Aberdeen Ave., Merit Dr., Weeburn Dr.)
City of Dallas, TX
IEA is the prime consultant responsible for paving (varying depth concrete pavement), drainage, and utility design services to reconstruct three local streets.
IEA’s scope also included developing plans for the permanent pavement markings, construction sequencing and storm water pollution prevention. IEA’s design was coordinated with the City’s in-house landscape design and Landscape plans were merged into the contract documents.
Each street has unique characteristics - such as Aberdeen being more residential in nature and Merit being more commercial in nature.
Aberdeen Avenue:
2-lane undivided roadway with approximately 1,170 LF of 26’-36’ wide, 6” thick reinforced concrete pavement with a new drainage system.
Merit Drive:
4-lane divided thoroughfare with approximately 1,100 LF of 4-lane divided, 44’-48’ wide, 11” thick reinforced concrete pavement with a new drainage system.
Weeburn Drive:
2-lane undivided roadway with approximately 1,300 LF of 26’ wide, 6” thick reinforced concrete pavement with a new drainage system.
Merit Drive proposed a few challenges due to the road abutting Medical City Dallas Hospital and its primary emergency and patient access points. Emergency response and other hospital-generated traffic had to be managed during and after construction with detailed construction sequencing plans and roadway design. This road also had steep longitudinal and cross slopes, requiring careful profiling.
Water and Wastewater Replacements:
Aberdeen includes 800 LF of 8” PVC, SDR 26 wastewater mains and 800 LF of 8” PVC, C900 water mains designed by IEA. We also coordinated the inclusion of another 1250 LF of 8” PVC, C900 water and 1500 LF of 12” PVC, SDR 26 wastewater mains designed by others but included in the bid set and line item proposal.
All work was designed in compliance with City of Dallas codes, standards, and ordinances.
Construction Phase Services:
IEA assisted with the bid phase and addendum during the bid phase, responded to Requests for Information (RFIs) from the contractor, monitored construction, and was on-call as needed.
Merit Drive - Construction
Merit Drive - New Pavement

Dallas, TX
Services Provided
Construction and New Pavement